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March 7, 2008

iPhone SDK Release

Looks like the most wanted SDK has been released.

Too bad for me, I can't use it. It looked like it's written in X Code, and will run on a Mac OS.

Well, I'll be anticipating what this new official SDK can do for our iPhone/iPod Touches in the future. I bet that most of the applications are going to cost money anyway.

That's why, I'm sticking to unofficial 3rd party apps. Though, I realise that the support for "free" apps are very limited, and developers don't get what they deserved. Sometimes I pity for them though.

I wished I could write my own codes, however I don't think I could do that.

Anyway, let's just enjoy this SDK release and see what is it to become in the future.

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Yusry is a technology freak, he plays a lot with his iPod Touch since day 1. He is also into programming and gets excited trying out new softwares. He is also a member of a local Singaporean band named Dermapthera. You can read his other blog at
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