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March 9, 2008

Firmware 2.0

Seems like the battle for "free stuffs" aren't going to be an easy road ahead.

Whenever I hear of "new" firmwares, I'm pretty saddened by what's going to happen to older jailbreak methods. Those countless sweat and tears, hours of lack of sleep and thinking might go to waste.

Why? I don't think Apple is going to keep their stuff "open". It's probably a matter of time before all our attempts goes down the drain.

However, I truly hope that FW 2.0 will be a FW to look forward to, with new enhancements and possibly more stability. I hate when new shit comes, but at the expense of performance. So far so good, and I hope it's going to keep it that way.

Well, I'll be one to wait and see what's going to happen.

Good luck Apple!

1 comment:

Max Mittenthal said...

Yah I know what you mean. Although, I bet jbing it will be easy. 1.1.2 jb was out before the fw was officially release

Yusry is a technology freak, he plays a lot with his iPod Touch since day 1. He is also into programming and gets excited trying out new softwares. He is also a member of a local Singaporean band named Dermapthera. You can read his other blog at
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